Thanks for your interest in our company! Here are the things you may need but feel free to drop us a line if you need anything else.
SeriousMD is a healthcare technology platform that empowers Filipinos to receive the healthcare they deserve. SeriousMD was born from the need to bring technology and healthcare, together and today, connects thousands of Filipino doctors to millions of Filipino patients from all around the Philippines and the world.
What is NowServing by SeriousMD?
The patient side of our platform is called NowServing by SeriousMD. It is a healthcare platform that connects patients to their doctors and other healthcare services. Everything you need as a patient is here and with a few taps, you’ll be able to book appointments, get your labs scheduled, results sent to your doctor, purchase medications and more. Available on the computer via or on the Android PlayStore and Apple AppStore.

Logos you can use for both SeriousMD and NowServing.
Brand Assets
High-resolution assets of SeriousMD and NowServing.
Brand Assets
SeriousMD is partnered with the top healthcare companies in the Philippines to bring patients the end-to-end healthcare that they need. From MediCard, to Kaiser International, Hi-Precision, Watsons and more. We’re continuously working to bring in partnerships that will better healthcare and improve lives.

We're also happy to help with any questions you have. Just email You'll reach a real human 💯 who can arrange interviews and provide original materials 🙌